Narayan is a self schooled spiritual master. She embodies her path of the mystic, healer & sage, and her role as communicator & messenger. She resides In the beautiful town of Ojai CA.
From Webster : Trust : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.
As one takes the free-fall into the unknown, a trusting of self is an aspect of trust. When we choose the path to seek truth and wisdom, which is innate with in each of our selves, we will find a well over flowing with the strength of character and the ability to trust one's self, to stand in your personal truth. The wisdom held within is the knowing of self, befriending your soul and living from the heart.
One of the trappings of walking the path of ascension/enlightenment -- call it what you wish -- is the holding on, the attachment to, any set of teachings. The memorizing of a set of teachings can lead one to a false sense of enlightenment and one mystical experience does not an enlightened being make. When we blend our emotions, the mind, the mystical, into the physical body, you are now embodying the path of a spirit-driven life.
You are now ready to let go of the teachings and begin a new phase filled with awe and wonder, embracing each moment as if every breath is the opportunity for a new beginning, embracing the beginner's mind in every moment. Letting go of what you THINK you know and going into the Unknown. The trust that whatever happens in the next moment is exactly what is to be, one is walking their dharma/destiny in the letting go of all the knowledge one has acquired and then begins the free-fall into experiencing the unknown. Letting go of the teachings, to take it off the matt, off the meditation pillow and into life, life becomes a living meditation of love, trusting the free fall and riding the waves of exhilaration and bliss.
Observe yourself as you stumble, so you, as the watcher, can pick yourself up, call yourself on your own crap and process. Trusting that you have done enough of the work, to work for yourself and knowing you can move though any stumbling block your spirit may lead you down. These stumbling blocks are spirit at work, giving you opportunities to see if you have achieved the level of awareness and true wisdom within.
The process has a spiral effect. We discover an issue and we do the deep work of following its roots, pulling out the weeds, and growing a beautiful garden. Spirit will bring that lesson around again to see if it is truly cleared or, by chance, did you leave a bit of root still buried deep? As you pull even more root and the garden blooms bigger, here comes that lesson again. This time it breezes right past you and you didn't even bat an eyelash. As it has become a non-issue, you have shattered the illusion of separation, an experience beyond having read it in a text or heard it at a lecture or yoga class. You are experiencing your life of personal trust...