"We all have an inner voice, our personal whisper from the universe.
All we have to do is listen -- feel and sense it with an open heart.
Sometimes it whispers of intuition or precognition. Other times,
it whispers an awareness, a remembrance from another plane.
Dare to listen. Dare to hear with your heart."
~CJ Heck

"The Key to the Universe is Love, Together in a
Partnership with Awareness."
~Robert Cosmar

Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Pretender

The Pretender
The mind seeks an identity grounded in truth and awareness.  It lacks the heart to know itself.

There is no permanence to its being, so it fluctuates into forms having no soul, or heart, in them.

Mind is not life, but only a form of antilife forever languishing in being unfulfilled, endlessly searching for truth and meaning.

For observing, analyzing and comparing ideas, mind is good, but it lacks the fullness of becoming those things it seeks.

CJ and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

There is No Spirituality

There is No Spirituality
There is no spirituality, only our consciousness and awareness within it.

Spirituality is a term created by mind and imagination in an attempt to explain phenomena experienced within the imagination and unconscious. It is a clever distraction from the truth within our being.

Ego and Mind create the distraction of spirituality, so we become lost in imagination and fail to investigate our feelings. It is the old peanut shell game of distraction, where our attention becomes lost in the shuffling of the peanut shells.

Truth is a simple recognition within ourselves of the nature of consciousness and our identity within it. This is our truth.

CJ and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Truth Revealed

Truth Revealed
The true purpose of a whisper is to affirm the presence of truth within us.

Beyond the mind and beliefs, a whisper awakens our inner intelligence, allowing us to feel its presence within us.

Truth is not remembered with the mind. It is felt within the presence of our beingness.

Silence reveals all truth in our being and, like a calm ocean, we see our true reflection without the distortion of waves.

Meditation places our attention within the silence of our beingness.

CJ and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Monday, November 24, 2014

Look Within

Look Within
The mind reaches out to “discover” self, while the heart simply “knows”.

Consciousness is a presence that knows self.  Mind and ego eternally seek to know and understand, but they look outside the knowing presence of our truth and distract us from the knowing truth within us.

Awareness is knowing self, without the mind and ego. It is feeling self within consciousness and remembering it within our truth.

**If you enjoyed this post, please share with the buttons below.

email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Friday, November 21, 2014


Life is not a formula, it is more like poetry, flowing naturally, revealing the essence behind the form.

It springs eternal from the heart, the guardian of all mysteries.

Life that is captured, controlled, and made to conform is no longer life, but the stagnant memory of a thought, or idea.

We are no longer alive when we conform to ideas and the identity they bring with them.

Only through freedom can life flourish and reveal the true nature of its being for all to see.

CJ and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Friday, November 14, 2014

The Real Deal

The Real Deal
 Fantasy is created within the mind. Truth is felt within the heart.

Truth is life. Fantasy is imagination.

One leads to the source of all existence, while the other is filled with deception and distraction.

We cannot be real when we come from our mind and imagination. Only our heart can lead us into wholeness, because it reveals all that is real and true for us and others.

CJ and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

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