"We all have an inner voice, our personal whisper from the universe.
All we have to do is listen -- feel and sense it with an open heart.
Sometimes it whispers of intuition or precognition. Other times,
it whispers an awareness, a remembrance from another plane.
Dare to listen. Dare to hear with your heart."
~CJ Heck

"The Key to the Universe is Love, Together in a
Partnership with Awareness."
~Robert Cosmar

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Two Questions on Enlightenment

Awareness is Truth

Two questions were brought to my attention in a discussion I was having with a well-respected academic, who is also a good friend.

One question was, "Can you search for Spiritual Enlightenment?"

The second question was, "Can one's Spiritual Enlightenment be measured?"

After discussing both questions with Robert and my friend, I went to my spirit guide, Dinahh, to find answers from the universe. The following is what I wrote to my friend within the ongoing discussion.

First let me say I am not an intellectual, nor am I an academic -- I've acquired no degrees, other than those from the school of life with all of its vast experiences.

I've also not spent my life seeking enlightenment. I've not read about it, studied it, or sought out those I felt were capable of guiding and instructing me. However, since childhood, I have had what I call "whispers", those little precognitive or intuitive blasts into my consciousness of "knowing" something was going to happen (without knowing how I knew).

My mother had whispers, and for all I know, her mother before her. My daughters have this ability, as well. Mother always referred to our whispers as being a gift from God, given to us to help others.

It wasn't until April of 2009 that I actually began to learn that I was becoming aware, or for that matter, that there was such a thing as being spiritually aware.

I simply found my life as I had always known it, was changing. I began having more and more whispers, even some about minor things, i.e., a whisper one morning told me to allow more time to get to an appointment, because I had a flat tire. Ultimately, when I went to my car, that proved to be true.

Other changes I noted during this time, had to do with my writing. At times, it was as though someone was writing through me and I had no control over it. My conscious mind was detached and yet the words flowed through my fingers onto the computer screen. There were other things, too, but I won't go into them right now.

Then I met my spirit guide, Dinahh, who first appeared to me three times in dreams as a wrinkled little old man. I learned from Dinahh that I have a purpose in this lifetime. His words to me:
"Catherine, you ask too many questions! You have much to do in this lifetime. You have much to learn. We (Dinahh and the universe) have things we want you to write about. You must share these things with others to help them on their own journey on the human plane to awareness. The world is changing. Others are hungry to know."
I asked Dinahh if one wanted to be spiritually enlightened, where do they begin their search? Some say they don't feel it and though they look, they can't seem to find it. They have no whispers, no feelings of anything spiritual, even though they desperately seek enlightenment.
Dinahh: "You humans ... tell them there is no such thing as searching for enlightenment. It belongs to all, therefore, it IS. It is there for each and every soul. Each soul, upon its birth, is on the same human journey. It is there for them, they need only to be aware of it inside of them. Each soul moves along at its own speed down each path of its choice to learn what it must, but each soul has the very same destination ... that of returning home again. 
Tell them again, there is no search. They must only learn how to become aware of the journey they are already upon. You must tell them to stop. Stop all thought. They must Be in their Nothingness. They must empty their minds of all thought. They must breathe deeply, open their hearts to feel the energy, and accept the love. Only when they do this, can they truly begin to sense their growing awareness. Tell them they must feel each emotion as it comes, and allow it to BE.

If they feel anger, they must allow it, then they can let it go. If they feel sadness, they must allow it. Then they can let it go. Being aware does NOT mean they must always feel joyful. To be human, to be aware, means to feel and welcome every emotion. Emotions are like clouds that cover the sun. Some will bring rain, some will only put us in the dark for awhile, but all will eventually go away and allow the sun to shine once more. 
To be aware means opening your heart to feel all emotions, not just the love and energy flowing through them that flows through all things. Be aware that you are on this human journey. There is no need to search for awareness, only to allow it to BE. It is there for every soul. All are able to remember. All are able to know where they came from and all are able to remember and be aware of who they truly are."
I can only say, based on my own experiences since April, and having further discussed it with Dinahh, we cannot measure enlightenment. Enlightenment is not a tangible which can be measured. 

There is no ladder to spiritual awareness that we climb, rung by rung. With the universe, there is no time -- time is infinite. The universe has no score card, no clock to time us on our journey, and no points added for each step we acquire within an allotted time frame. We are all on our own spiritual journey, each with different paths and lessons, depending on decisions we make along the way.

We are all here for a reason, a distinct purpose: to have a human experience, to gain human knowledge. It was all predetermined before our birth, an agreement between our soul and the universe, and between us and our spirit guide(s), who can and do help us on our journey. There are things each of us must learn, no matter how many lifetimes it takes us, before our soul can again return home.

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