"We all have an inner voice, our personal whisper from the universe.
All we have to do is listen -- feel and sense it with an open heart.
Sometimes it whispers of intuition or precognition. Other times,
it whispers an awareness, a remembrance from another plane.
Dare to listen. Dare to hear with your heart."
~CJ Heck

"The Key to the Universe is Love, Together in a
Partnership with Awareness."
~Robert Cosmar

Monday, September 29, 2014

Phantom of Fear

Phantom of Fear
Face your fears.  Realize they are coming from your imagination.

They seem real in consciousness, but they are not.  Our attention to them gives them the power of deceiving us.

Only through witnessing fear can we conquer it.  It is through knowing our true self and witnessing fear that we see the gap in consciousness between deception and reality.

Only the unaware identify with fear and they do so through ignorance of self. Their identity is polluted by identification with the mind and a lack of true self-knowledge.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Saturday, September 27, 2014


The mind only knows and communicates ideas. It knows nothing of reality and consciousness.  It is merely an observer and a translator of thought, not a being -- we use mind and it uses us.

If we become a mind and the mind becomes us, we lose our innocence within. No longer will we embrace the wholeness of life with our feelings, nor will we be guided by our instinctual being. We become lost in a world where only thoughts and ideas support an illusionary reality. Something is lost and something is needed.

Consciousness married to feelings is the totality of our nature and being.  In consciousness, thought is only a hollow attempt to find meaning where there is none.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Friday, September 26, 2014

True Nature

True Nature
We are all hypnotized, our attention captured within the mind and imagination.  The jailer is our unconscious mind and our emotions seal the deal.

Instead of identifying with our feelings within the silence, we are distracted by the ego that wants us to embrace an artificial identity, one outside the reality of our true nature and beingness.

The ego is what escapes into illusion and sets the trap of our own demise.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Simplicity in Strength
Our strength is what is true within our awareness. Our strength is the reality we discover within our feelings.

The mind cannot have strength, because it is constantly seeking and searching for more. Our ego only finds strength in what it currently believes and that never lasts. Change is the nature of the mind and ego.

Only the heart lasts; only the heart persists, because it knows, without wavering, the truth within us. It feels and knows the eternal being we are and partakes of the energy of existence it is one with.

Strength is knowing beyond doubt the reality of the truth within us.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


The search for truth and awareness is not a search for ideas.

Truth and awareness are not beliefs, but revelations within consciousness, and what reveal our true nature in consciousness. They expose the deception and lies of the mind.

Those who are aware do not follow commandments, rules, or religious icons. They follow their awareness!

They know the freedom of their inner being and realize it in consciousness, knowing truth, and it has set them free.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


When we become lost in ideas, they become beliefs and form our identity.

Identity is infinite, until we identify with anything finite, or anything which gives form.

Truth is formless and infinite; the body of existence. Only the mind limits our being and it can pollute our consciousness.

We suffer through our beliefs, because they cannot embody the nature of truth in existence.

We have to let go of the mind and allow our being to express itself naturally and truthfully.

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C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Monday, September 22, 2014

One With Life

We are one with life in our feelings. Only when we identify with mind, emotion and sometimes imagination do we separate ourselves from a living existence.

It is the mind that tricks us into believing that it is our life and that we should serve it. The mind should serve our awareness and follow its lead.

Life gives freely when we are one with it and release the struggling mind. We understand when we stop searching and start becoming.

Truth is what we are when we stop looking for it.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Presence is the nature of oneness and the natural state of our being when we are not identified with anything or anyone.

The mind and ego seek identity to establish their presence, but the heart is the identity of conscious existence.

We see without eyes and we know without thought, because we have become the essence of our innocence again. We are presence and that presence is the fullness of existence within us.

Consciousness embraces everything and is everything, but most importantly it is the full presence of our eternal being detached and observing its creation.

*** If you like this whisper, please share it.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Saturday, September 13, 2014


We are all spiritual; however, not all are aware, no matter what we believe.

Truth is, we are all conscious spiritual beings, whether or not we are aware of it.

Our beliefs reveal the limitations within our awareness – but do we really “know”?

The goal of awareness is knowing, to end doubt, guilt, and duality.

To some degree, we are all crippled spiritually.  We think we know, but we can only truly know that which is revealed to us through and in our awareness.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Friday, September 12, 2014

Simplicity of Being

Our reality exists within us, before mind and imagination can carry us away from the truth of it. Nothing is needed to claim this reality.  It is already within and waiting.

It is not possible to seek, or necessary to search for, what we already possess.  We have only to allow it to express itself naturally, as we surrender to our feelings.

The mind always takes us away from the simplicity of our being.  Feelings bring us closer to the truth, if we will allow them.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Thursday, September 11, 2014


The commonplace is never glorified because it is accepted as habit by the masses. Uniqueness is what catches attention and whispers a message of hope to humanity, yet forced uniqueness is seen for what it is -- a fake.

We will not touch hearts, or inspire others, by reciting the same things over and over.  Inspiration is authentic life-breathing on the hearts of those open to it and hungry to feel alive again in the moment of now.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Family Drama

A family is a group of people held together by an emotional bond of familiarity.

Usually, true love is there, but often a form of manipulation, control, or even emotional blackmail, tend to make it what it is.

As time passes, in any relationship, if true love is not the foundation, pieces of it wither and die and the emotional bonds loosen and fall away.

Each of us are a family in name only and individual members sometimes have trouble relating to each other, especially in difficult times, such as the loss of a family member.

Love only exists where there is real intimacy and authentic sharing. We cannot be real when all we are is a label within a family and not a distinct, individual person and treated as such.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Feel It

In meditation, we feel our inner being in consciousness.

Unlike the effort of thinking, we simply feel the nature of our true identity. It naturally rises in our consciousness. This is the return of the knower, our true self, within.

The mind’s focus is always on something that is to come, or something remembered.  In meditation, time and space are gone and the now (the present) fills us with anticipation of the knower’s presence.

No longer are we a mind seeking our identity. The search is replaced with an identity that knows and feels all that is to be known.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Monday, September 8, 2014

Goes in Circles

The mind goes in circles, because it cannot decide who it is.

The identity of the mind is flexible, according to influence. It must be, to function in the physical world, because of the necessity for change. The mind is a great actor and adjusts to its circumstances.

Awareness is permanent and part of the fabric of existence, never changing, only revealing more of the conscious nature of being.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Sunday, September 7, 2014


To create is to manifest the intention of existence.

It is the feeling of fresh life flowing through us. So much of life is repetitive and habitual, but to create is to join an impulse from the infinite and craft it through the imagination with the help of the soul.

It is the cooperation of the finite with the infinite. We feel we have purpose and not just robots.

The creator is a partner with existence. The robot is controlled, only following commands.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Gift of Awareness

Wisdom is the essence of awareness and it guides us into our truth.

Knowing is the gift of awareness.  Wisdom directs it within us. Life is unbounded within our awareness. Only the mind, imagination, and emotion bind us to ourselves.

Life is unique, precious, and infinite and our awareness helps us paint our destination on the canvas of existence.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Whispers are for those who listen behind the words. They feel the truth in them. They feel a presence within them, beyond the words.

To the mind, whispers can be pleasing, even a catalyst for change. They can disturb the mind and incite the ego to respond by making us angry, because they expose and reveal us to ourselves.

Whispers are the warm fuzzy creations of awareness and they soothe and remind us of Home.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Self Healing

Writing permits us to get in touch with our pain and hurt feelings. It allows us to privately examine ourselves and realize what is behind our emotions in the safety of our mind.

Fear’s greatest weapon is emotion to cloud our feelings.

In writing, we are in control.  No one sets the pace but us. We realize what is within us when we are ready. It is safe and it works.

Writing puts us in touch with our deeper wisdom and reveals that we are more than our emotions and pain. We realize we know more than we thought we did about life, ourselves, and our pain.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Eyes of the Knower

The breath is the bridge of consciousness. It is anchored in the now and extends
inward towards eternity, outward towards the world.

In deep meditation, identification is no longer with the mind and ego and we enter the silence.

In the now, we are detached from the world, mind and ego. We see through the eyes of the knower within. We perceive the life that we are. No thought, or ideas, are needed to describe who we are or what we are.

Truth is revealed by the recognition of the self in our silence.

At the two points of breath, (between breathing in and breathing out), where breathing stops, we enter the Now. Breath is the passage of life energy from the unknown to the known. Like the tide, it must go out and come back in, therefore we breathe.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Monday, September 1, 2014


Alone with death, awareness is all that matters and all that is left.

The distractions of the mind and ego are gone. We cannot hide in them anymore. Truth is upon us and our illusions are fading, much as the sun fades into the night. When the mind and ego leave us, fear is what remains, and eternity whispers to our senses.

Mind and ego struggle to remain, but the pain of fear melts into a healing knowingness that fills the aloneness of death.

Aloneness is exchanged for eternity and truth with wisdom and light.

C.J. and Robert

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