"We all have an inner voice, our personal whisper from the universe.
All we have to do is listen -- feel and sense it with an open heart.
Sometimes it whispers of intuition or precognition. Other times,
it whispers an awareness, a remembrance from another plane.
Dare to listen. Dare to hear with your heart."
~CJ Heck

"The Key to the Universe is Love, Together in a
Partnership with Awareness."
~Robert Cosmar

Friday, April 23, 2010

Light or Heavy Whispers ...

C'mon people, I know there are those of you reading this that have had whispers and know what I'm writing about here. Just in case you're not sure, I'll explain again.

A whisper is when you get that little feeling, warning, premonition, precognitive thought, intuition ... yes, a whisper ... that something may, will, or is about to happen. Sometimes it's good. You're expecting a baby and you really want a boy. You don't know how you know, you just know it's going to be a boy, and inevitably, it is.

I remember a whisper I had last summer. It still makes me smile, even now. It was 6:00 a.m. I was in my kitchen pouring a second cup of coffee and absent-mindedly making a list of several errands I had to do that day. When I looked, really looked, at what I had written, I laughed. I had written "flat tire fixed". When I read those words, I knew. I could feel the certainty that if I went down to my driveway and looked, my car had a flat tire. It did. Absolutely a true story.

A whisper can also be a premonition, a precognitive warning. In two of the previous blogs, I gave several examples, should you care to read them.

I remember a whisper, a premonition, I had back in May of 1969. At that time, my first husband, Doug, and I had been married four months and living at Ft. Bragg, NC. He had just received orders that he was being sent to Vietnam. Being newlyweds, we were devastated. The army gave him four weeks leave to get things in order, so we packed up our belongings and moved back to Ohio, where I would stay with my parents while he was gone. We spent three of the weeks visiting, doing fun things, spending time with family and friends. The other week, we spent together in a cottage at Devil's Lake in Michigan.

That year, May was a little cool, but it stayed sunny and we did some boating and fishing. We took long walks, talking and holding hands. Other than being sad that we would be apart, there was nothing either of us felt that was negative in nature. We truly believed he would return.

The third night that we were there, a terrible storm came up. Both of us loved thunder storms, so we just held each other, listening to the raging wind and rain. In the morning, we found near total destruction. Several of the cabins were destroyed, boats overturned and we had slept through it. Later that day, we learned a small tornado had ripped through the whole town.

The whisper I had didn't have anything at all to do with the tornado; however, I did have a dream the night of the tornado. In the dream, I was in front of a church. I walked up the steps to the wide double doors and, as I pulled on the handle of the right-hand door, I felt a foreboding that filled me with terror. I opened the door and then I was walking up a center aisle toward the front of the church. Then I saw it. A casket with the lid up. At first, I was afraid to look inside, but when I did, I saw that the man inside had no face.

I'd had these premonitions before, so I suppose because I was young and in love and so full of the optimism of youth, it was normal that I assumed the disturbing dream had to do with my father. When I awoke in the morning, I called home and told mama about the dream. She assured me that daddy was fine and, yes, she would keep a close eye on him all day, not to worry.

It was September of 1979, ten years after the dream at Devil's Lake in Michigan. I was remarried with three small daughters and mama and I were watching them play outside. I told mama that while I was in Ohio visiting, I wanted to take the girls and go up to the cemetery, since it was exactly ten years that Doug was gone. Mama got this look on her face and I asked her what was wrong. She asked me if I remembered the dream I'd had at the lake. I told her of course I did. It was the warning about daddy. She slowly shook her head and then said, "It wasn't about your dad. Honey, the dream was about Doug."

Please tell me about your whispers. You can email me or use the form on the right side of this blog. I would love to hear from you.

~Hugs, CJ

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