"We all have an inner voice, our personal whisper from the universe.
All we have to do is listen -- feel and sense it with an open heart.
Sometimes it whispers of intuition or precognition. Other times,
it whispers an awareness, a remembrance from another plane.
Dare to listen. Dare to hear with your heart."
~CJ Heck

"The Key to the Universe is Love, Together in a
Partnership with Awareness."
~Robert Cosmar

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Worshiping the Unknown

Religion and Philosophy worship the imagination. They conjure up images and call them truth. 

Life is a speculation, even to the aware, because awareness seldom reveals the fullness of life to us.

We cannot know for certain until we know we are uncertain. Only then will we know what is real and true and infinite.

Life is a mystery of infinite possibilities and so are we. Accept what life and awareness offer and understand -- nothing is set in stone.

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

No Escape

Our imagination is an escape from self, not an escape into self.

A creative outlet, imagination serves the mind and ego and feeds our hope of better things to come, but they seldom do.

Imagination can be inspired through awareness, but mostly it is an escape from a reality our mind and ego have created in and for us.

To dream the impossible dream can be an exercise in futility, a detour, from ever coming to terms with our true reality in consciousness.

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C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Monday, July 28, 2014


 All beliefs justify the ego. They support its existence.

They give it direction so it can create an identity.We are what we believe, until we know that we are not.

Beliefs change with the seasons and are worn out over time.

What remains is our conscious understanding, or ignorance, of ourselves.

To believe is to become something. To know is to understand who we are.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Imagine Fear

Our fears are not real, only imagined, but they do seem real in our imagination.

Our mind, imagination and emotions create possibilities, but seldom realities.

We choose to react to what is in our mind and imagination, but the reaction is often due to a past event or future imagined outcome.

Fear does not exist in the now, because it takes time and space for fear to manifest. It takes mind, thought, and the unconscious for fear to grow in us.

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Saturday, July 26, 2014


The rich, the famous and the powerful come here for a time, then they too are gone.

We are all here and gone in the blink of an eye. We wish we could live forever, but our best deeds are done in a moment of time and most are washed away by the waves of death and disease.

We have no guarantees that what we do, say, or become, will last forever.   Only what we know in the silence, do we carry with us into eternity.

Our individual lives are an afterthought of existence.

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Friday, July 25, 2014


When our ego is not fulfilled, our imagination torments us.

The ego continually seeks fulfillment through our mind and imagination.

It pursues, desires, and lusts for outcomes it never receives.

Imagination only has the power to create through words, ideas, and the manipulation of forms. It is helpless to manifest reality and the truth of our being.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Inner Eyes

When we look with the outer eyes, we only see with the imagination, not the eyes of truth and awareness.

Truth and awareness build on love, not just imagination.

Life is a struggle to release the imagination and see clearly what is true and real. Only the foolish and immature think what is imagined is real.

It is not wrong to imagine, but truth is revealed through love within awareness.

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C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


If you appease the ego, you can seduce the masses, put them to sleep and control them.

If you bury fear behind false hope, feed the ego with all it desires, you will own them.

The masses are asleep, lazy, and afraid. They fear freedom more than death.

Truth is avoided at the cost of profit and the madness circles again and again.

The ego is a slave to anyone, or anything promising power, but it only delivers bondage.

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

In Sheep's Clothing

The mental seduction of the masses is not the goal of awareness.

Awareness touches the heart and soul quietly in the peaceful privacy of silence. It does not seek, or need, an audience.

Those who seek an audience want to seduce us mentally and convince us they have the answers. They seek to make us believe we need them for salvation. They carry secrets within that they will share with us -- for a price.

In most cases, our freedom is the price and they pollute our consciousness with lies, like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Greedy vs Needy

The greedy do not easily share with the poor, because they need to control their wealth and environment.

The poor are grateful for what they have and willing to share it with others.

The greedy will share what they have, but for a price. They must always have control over what they share and who they share with.

The poor understand the joy of freely giving.  The greedy understand only the fear of losing their wealth.

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Saturday, July 19, 2014

To Tell the Truth

We should not place our faith in the false hope of others, but only within the conscious awareness of our own

Many believe in the false hopes and imagination of others. They sell their freedom for deception and a seduction of lies.

Heaven, Salvation, and Nirvana are owned by no one. Our healing is in our awareness and our revelation of truth.

No one needs to tell us what is true for us, or about us.

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Friday, July 18, 2014

Truth Never Lies

To find love, we must see with the eyes of truth, not the eyes of our imagination.

When we look through the eyes of our imagination, we only think we know a person, or what they are like, but we can’t know.

Imagination creates a fictitious person we “believe” we are meeting and seeing, but reality is always waiting close by.

Love is based on vulnerability, not imagination. The more real and vulnerable we become, the greater the possibility for love to heal and embrace us.

For love to be real, we must see beyond our physical eyes, mind, and imagination, and look through our heart’s eyes.Then we will know if love is possible, or whether our imagination has deceived us again.

Truth never lies!

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Now or Never

We are never in the now, nor in touch with our feelings -- this is the problem.

When we exist in our imagination, remembering past transgressions, or hurt, or when we live in the future, hoping for better things to come, they seldom will.

How can we discover our truth and identity within consciousness, if we are never present within?

The mind steals our reality and replaces it with imaginary goals, hopes, and aspirations. The hurt we feel is because our imagination is trying to make us happy and real, but it never will, because it can’t.

We have to embrace the silence to become real again.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Physician Heal Thyself

We cannot assist in the healing of others, unless we are healing ourselves, naked, vulnerable, and hiding nothing in the face of our consciousness.

Innocence, in the midst of suffering, touches the heart and lays us open to our healing -- no more excuses, or hiding behind a proud facade.

Honest humility in the midst of suffering is the healing balm within our consciousness. It opens the heart and releases the soul’s presence to us. We are cleansed and the burden of guilt and shame are released.

We must discover our own healing, before we can help others to find theirs.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Beyond the Breath

We are the conduit life breathes through. 

Like actors, playing roles century after century, we are the beginning and the end of it all.

Truth is not found in the acting, or the images of the mind.

When we know the breath, we will know life, and truth reveals the mystery.

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Monday, July 14, 2014

Knowing Love

We cannot know life without love, for it is the glue that binds it.

It reveals the true nature of things and sets them into proper place in our lives.

Love is the synchronicity of time and space evolving towards perfection.
The mind cannot know love, only describe it.

It reveals the true nature of existence and our relationship to it and each other.

Love is a mystery only to those who cannot feel.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Sunday, July 13, 2014

To Become

The discovery of truth is the discovery of self.

Lost in the mind and imagination for eons we have been looking outside self for our meaning – we can’t be both, the water, and the bucket!  Both are useful, but not the same in function, or essence.

Our identities are built upon mind, imagination, thought and emotion. Our beliefs are the stage we act upon and our misery is based in our emptiness of being.

Our feelings embrace the essence of our being and sum up the totality of who we are, or can be. They answer all questions without explanation and reveal what is true and real.

To feel is to know and to know is to become.

The mind may describe a billion things, but it is the heart that knows and understands.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Spiritual Growth

We only need to know ourselves through awareness, not follow commandments, techniques, prayers,meditations, or rituals.

All of these appease the mind and ego, but give a false belief that we are progressing spiritually -- we are not.

The purpose of awareness is to make us fully conscious, knowing our truth and its reality. All else are mind games for the ego.

When we think we are progressing spiritually by following any advice or instruction, we are not. Only through surrender and an emptiness of self, do we realize our true spiritual nature in consciousness.

True spiritual healing and wholeness is feeling everything we can be aware of within our consciousness.

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Friday, July 11, 2014


Many will disagree with the whispers, because they seem too simple, too easy, and yet too hard to realize and embrace. Many can feel them, but few experience them in reality.

Our ego wants pride in accomplishment, but a whisper makes it useless to it. A frustrated ego struggles to surrender to the simplicity of a whisper, and refuses to let go.

Gentle living whispers of love, light, and truth are what we become, if we’ll allow the seed of a whisper
to blossom into our conscious awareness.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Hope is a figment of the imagination, never reality.

We can hope till we are blue in the face, but it will never bring reality.

Hope is a diversion of the mind and ego, wanting us to believe change will occur without the transformation of awareness. It is a deception within the imagination.

Long-lasting change must come from a rebirth of consciousness into something more than hope. We must know the change we are becoming, not just hope for it.

Never hope or believe in change in the future, enter the now and experience it.

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Study Yourself

To be aware, do not study anything, but yourself.

Do not read books, listen to tapes, or go to seminars.  Study yourself.

Learn to feel and in your feeling, accept the “knowing” that comes.

Trust what you feel and come back home to yourself.

The mind is always taking us away from self and our ego closes the door to it.

Question what you feel and ask, “Where has my peace gone?”

Answers come, when we learn to trust the silent answers from within.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Monday, July 7, 2014

Nothing at All

We should share what we know and have experienced, or share nothing at all.

Beliefs that are cultivated mostly in the imagination are useless to transform us. They may massage an emotion or two, but they will not resonate with our heart and soul.

While beliefs can pacify some of our fears, they also prevent healing by keeping us from dealing directly within ourselves.

All religious and spiritual information should be put the test of our own awareness for truth and veracity.

Beliefs are for those too lazy to know themselves intimately.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Breaking Point

The point of optimum awareness often arrives after an intense experience of fear, or crisis. 

Mind and ego not only conspire to keep us unaware, they endeavor to make fear so real that we ‘believe’ in the fear.  This paralyzes the mind into accepting no other reality than what fear is presenting.

Awareness is beyond fear.  While fear may be very painful, it often pushes us into awareness. The death of mind and ego ushers in awareness.

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Saturday, July 5, 2014


There is no need to prove life.  Life is obvious.

Why must the mind need proof to satisfy its existence?

Mind is built on ideas, emotion, unconscious content, and imagination -- the building blocks of its reality. Added together, they prove nothing and only give the mind a security blanket for justifying its existence.

We are alive.  We are life.

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

Friday, July 4, 2014


The desire to be enlightened, aware, awakened, or spiritual, comes from the ego.

Ego would like us to believe we must search and work for wholeness and truth and it will happen, if we only find the right idea, formula, mantra, prayer or technique.  But those merely distract us and keep us from dealing directly within ourselves.

Through mind and imagination, we become believers, not knowers.  We are led away from the true source of wholeness and revelation and our experiences become inauthentic.

Meditation, surrender, and the silence are invitations to truth, a relinquishing of desire, which reveal the truth within:  We already are that which we seek in our knowing, through lack of desire.

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