"We all have an inner voice, our personal whisper from the universe.
All we have to do is listen -- feel and sense it with an open heart.
Sometimes it whispers of intuition or precognition. Other times,
it whispers an awareness, a remembrance from another plane.
Dare to listen. Dare to hear with your heart."
~CJ Heck

"The Key to the Universe is Love, Together in a
Partnership with Awareness."
~Robert Cosmar

Friday, June 27, 2014

It's Personal

The search for truth is a personal, private journey into awareness.

No one walks the same path into awareness.  It is a singular journey.

Distractions are everywhere, until we trust what we feel and become aware of.

It is our “knowing” that directs the show for us and it provides the light we need to see within.

Even those who feel connected must walk an individual path into awareness, devoid of the influences of anything, or anyone.

C.J. and Robert

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email Robert: robertcosmar@gmail.com
email CJ: cjheck60porsche@gmail.com

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