"We all have an inner voice, our personal whisper from the universe.
All we have to do is listen -- feel and sense it with an open heart.
Sometimes it whispers of intuition or precognition. Other times,
it whispers an awareness, a remembrance from another plane.
Dare to listen. Dare to hear with your heart."
~CJ Heck

"The Key to the Universe is Love, Together in a
Partnership with Awareness."
~Robert Cosmar

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Major Synchronicity

I've talked before about synchronicities, those happenings that seem to be like a small miracle, or as some call them, a coincidence -- which they are not. To use an example for those just now reading about synchronicity for the first time: you're late for an appointment, but you have to stop at Walmart for something first. You know it's usually packed, but it's something you have to do. Just as you pull into the parking lot, a space opens up right in front. Then after you finish shopping, you head to the cash registers only to see the lines are long ... but just then a register opens and the cashier motions for you to come to her register. Synchronicity = a little miracle, just for you.

The word 'synchronicity' actually refers to wheels of time, though the actual concept cannot be scientifically proven. We can only enjoy them as they occur and take us on all sorts of little journeys into awareness. The more 'consciously aware' you become, the higher your frequency becomes and the faster you manifest positively. Every day we encounter meaningful synchronicities that we have attracted to us. This is one way our reality works.

We've all heard the expression, "There are no accidents. There is a purpose for everything." This is true. Everything we experience is by design, and what we attract to our physical world. There are no accidents just synchronicity wheels of time, or karma, in the evolution of our consciousness. Our souls are always multitasking to create new experiences for us to learn from. The higher and clearer our frequency and intent, the faster we will have synchronicities. They may occur to make a quick point, like with the trip to Walmart, or they can take time to manifest, weeks and maybe even months. Sometimes they even create major learning lessons ...

This is precisely what happened to me. Several months ago, my spirit guide, Dinahh, whispered that I had a purpose to fulfill. I was to help others face their buried memories and help them heal their pain and grief by writing about my own experiences with the loss of my husband, Doug, in Vietnam in 1969. I chose to start a blog, dedicated to Vietnam veterans.

I put my heart and soul into the blog, determined to do what I could. I certainly wasn't prepared for what I received back from them. With each one I met through emails and letters, with every shared story and memory they recalled, I felt their pain and grief as though it were my own. At the drop of a hat I cried. It was puzzling. These were people I had never met, but they had been there, maybe saw what Doug had seen, and I felt their pain.

Yesterday, Veterans Day, was a major and traumatic day for me. It began like any day -- I posted on all three blogs and as I was reading some conversations in Facebook, I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of sadness that reached all the way to my soul. Sadness for all of the soldiers who never returned, sadness for their families and friends, sadness for those who did come home but were carrying around such awful pain, sadness for a country at war yet again, sadness for my grandchildren who, since their birth, have never known our country in peacetime and think war is the norm! Lastly, I felt sadness for the heavy baggage I had been carrying around with me since 1969. I went to the couch, buried my face in a pillow, and sobbed for over two hours. Huge gut-wrenching sobs ...

When I had finished, I sat up, blew my nose, and said out loud, "What was that all about?" And yet I knew. With a certainty I can't explain, I knew. Then Dinahh confirmed what I already knew. I had faced the pain I had buried for so long. I had finally embraced it, felt it in its entirety, and I was finally able to let it go. This is what Dinahh had known would happen. This is why he had been silent for such a long time. God doesn't make mistakes -- the universe works its magic in us in subtle ways, in ways which, as Larry the Cableman would say, "Gitter done." This particular synchronicity had been a deep and soul-cleansing lesson that I had to learn before I could go any further in my awareness.

These veterans touched me. They touched something deep inside me and each time, it caused a little piece of hurt to rise to the surface where I saw it, felt it, and in the feeling of it, I was able to grieve a little bit more. To them all, I say, thank you and ...


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